Switching to Hugo

With the demise of Google+, I’ve decided to try to resurrect my blog. Previously, I was using Wordpress, but I’ve decided that it’s just too risky from a security perspective. So I’ve decided my blog over to Hugo.

A consequence of this switch is that all of the Wordpress comments have been dropped, at least for now.


AT&T: Customer support horrors

This morning, I just wasted two hours of my life trying to deal with a bill with AT&T. I am a work-at-home employee, and my company has a contract with AT&T so that when I deal 1-700-xxx-xxxx, I can reach the internal corporate phone network. In addition, long distance calls on my home office line are billed to the company at the pre-negotiated corporate rates. I also had a (long-dormant) AT&T long distance account, dating from before I started working at this company.

Moving to WordPress…

Because I’ve been getting a little frustrated with the lack of trackback support, prohibition against Javascript, etc. I’ve decided to set up a WordPress installation on my private machine. For now, I have things set up so that posts made on my WordPress blog will get mirrored onto my LiveJournal account. I may do some friends-locked posts still on LJ, but my general philosophy is to not post anything I might consider private on a blog, friends-locked or no.

Getting around to using RSS

I’ve finally gotten around to playing with an RSS agregator. The one which I first picked, Liferea, seems to be the best of the bunch. It’s definitely going to be a time-saver. I don’t know what took me so long, except for the fact that these days it’s hard to find the time to experiment with new programs, even if in the long run they end up being time-savers.


Happy birthday, me.

Wow. I hadn’t realized until I looked at that last post that today’s my birthday. I had allowed it to completely slip my mind, what with all of the work that I have on my plate.

I’m not sure what that says about me; but it’s almost certainly not good.

Well, only five more minutes of my birthday. I’ll have to find some way of celebrating.

Happy birthday, me.


First post!

OK, so I’ve done it. I’ve broken down and started doing the public journal / blog thing. I used to think that pouring one’s feelings in a public forum for all to see was either arrogant (Are my ramblings really worth publishing for all the world to see? Do I really want to bore people with tidbits out of my life?) or involved more exhibitionism than I was comfortable with (that Not Being My Kink).